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Autofocus Threat Intelligence - Dashboard

In summer 2016, I interned at Palo Alto Networks, California with the Autofocus QA team. 

Palo Alto Networks is a leading network security company which protects thousands of networks from cyber threats like malware and grayware. They focus on improving cybersecurity through advanced threat protection, firewall, IDS/IPS and URL filtering. 

Autofocus provides an interactive, graphical interface for analyzing threats in the network. With AutoFocus, we can compare threats in our network to threat information collected from other networks in the industry or across the globe, within specific time frames. AutoFocus statistics are updated in real time to include the most recent threat samples analyzed by Palo Alto Networks. Access to this information allows to keep up with threat trends and to take a preventive approach to securing networks. 

In my main project, I built a new dashboard for AutoFocus using Node.js, python and javascript so that conclusions can be drawn by authorities, quickly and efficiently. The previous dashboard did not clearly represent all the data and was very difficult to comprehend.